Cass County Historical Society Museum
Cass County Historical Society Museum
Cass County Historical Society Museum
Cass County Historical Society Museum

Photographs from Our Exhibits and Special Events

Children with homemade rope.
Making rag dolls.
Third-graders visit the museum in May 2016.
Chandler View Elementary Students from Bellevue, NE, visit Rock Bluffs School
Darrell Draper as Theodore Roosevelt, with Bill Todd. Darrell Draper as Theodore Roosevelt, with Bill Todd.
Caboose Caboose
Rock Bluffs School Rock Bluffs School
Omaha Lady Crook Questors visiting the Cook Log Cabin Omaha Lady Crook Questors visiting the Cook Log Cabin
Marker commemorating first voluntary infantry in Civil War. Marker commemorating the first volunteer infantry in the Civil War, organized in Plattsmouth.
Charter member FloraBelle Wehrbein and her son daughter Nancy at the 2014 annual meeting. Charter member FloraBelle Wehrbein and her daughter Nancy at the 2014 annual meeting.
Suzanne Carlson, Treva Wright, Jon Oliver, and Michael and Beverly Smith at 2015 annual meeting. Suzanne Carlson, Treva Wright, Jon Oliver, and Michael and Beverly Smith at 2015 annual meeting.
Mrs. and Dr. Naugle. Dr. Naugle was a presenter at our 2015 annual meeting. Mrs. and Dr. Naugle. Dr. Naugle was a presenter at our 2015 annual meeting.
Living History Day Living History Day
Quilts at Living History Day Quilts at Living History Day
Mrs.Campin's class in the caboose with Del Hervey giving a tour.
Mr. Anderson's class visits the museum.
Mr. Anderson's class visits the museum.

Cass County Historical Society Museum
646 Main Street 
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
Phone: 402-296-4770


Where to Find Us

Museum Hours & Admission

Special Holiday Hours
Closed Tues. & Wed. Dec. 24-25 and Dec. 31 - Jan. 1. Open both of these weeks Thurs.-Sat. 12-4. Regular hours return the week of Jan. 6.


OPEN Tuesday-Saturday, 12:00 to 4:00 p.m; closed Sundays, Mondays, and major holidays.


Admission is $2.50 for adults, free for museum members and children under the age of 12.

Current Exhibits

Our exhibits change regularly. Have a look at our current exhibits.

You can find ancestry information on NEGenWeb

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© Cass County Historical Society Museum